New Articles

  1. Whitelisting Catholic Social Media to Receive Our Emails

    Because emails from Catholic Social Medai often contain pictures and links, they can get misidentified as spam by your email provider.  Here’s what you can do to make sure that doesn’t happen:  Gmail:  Move any message from the @...
  2. How a Catholic Social Media Trial Works

    Introduction Since its inception in 2018, Catholic Social Media has always started with a 30-day free trial that comes with no financial obligation. Over the years, thousands of North American parishes have taken advantage of this, resulting...
  3. How to Post Content

    Begin by clicking on the "Planner" in Catholic Social Media. Here you will see all kinds of content. There are items for this week, next week, the month, the season, and Evergreen/Forever content. Pick one that suits your communi...
  4. Scheduling Posts in Advance

    Sharing fresh, relevant content every day of the week doesn’t mean you have to actually log in to Catholic Social Media and post every day.   Instead, our system lets you schedule your posts days, weeks, or even months in advance.  On th...
  5. General Image and Video Guidelines

    Accepted File Types   Files must have a file type (extension), such as .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .webp, .gif, .mp4, .mov,  or .av i.   Only one video is allowed per post for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.  Video URLs must be in an accepted video ...
  6. Scheduling Content for Your Parishes

    Scheduling content for your parishes is easy with Catholic Social Media, but it helps to understand the various ways you can allow content to be seen, and what category the content will fall under. Every parish will see the following tabs for post...
  7. Generational Reach

    Can you really reach young people with Catholic Social Media?   Social media is always tracking detailed demographic information about your followers and people reached. With a little digging, you can learn the age and gender breakdown of t...
  8. Reach Your Neighbors with Facebook's Sharing Algorithm

    Facebook has given a secret gift to parishes    Since Meta purchased Instagram in 2012, the developers at Facebook have been working really hard to be the social media channel of choice for neighborhood groups and local businesses. They’ve ...
  9. Why Parishes Should Be On Social Media

    Do you remember Saint Paul’s journey to Athens in Acts of the Apostles, chapter 17 ?   At the time, Athens was the cultural center of the world. It was the birthplace of democracy and philosophy, but it was also full of pagan idols, strange...
  10. How to Start a 30-Day Free Trial for Your Parish

    Visit us at  Click on the "try it for free..." link near the bottom of the screen: Enter your email address on the next screen to receive your initial verification email. Once you've received your verification email, ...