New Articles

  1. Using the Bookmarks Bar

    You likely have at least a handful of websites you visit every day. You may have them bookmarked or you may simply rely on your web browser’s history to fill in the address as you start typing. But are you using the very convenient and visuall...
  2. Protect Your Computer from Cyber Attacks

    With the uptick in working remotely since 2020, cyber-attacks are happening more and more often. The FBI reported a 300% increase in reported cybercrimes since the COVID-19 pandemic began. According to a study by the University of Maryland, attacks ...
  3. Publishing Mass Times Online

    The liturgical year is complicated, which means you regularly need to re-publish your Mass times… everywhere . This is important because many nominal Catholics start searching for Mass times around Christmas or Easter to help decide where they will ...
  4. Praying Digitally

    Smartphones have forever changed the way we live, and more than 90% of people in North America are now carrying around what are essentially ultra-compact, Internet-connected computers. It’s also impacting the way we pray, with hundreds of Christian ...
  5. Archiving Parish Livestreams

    Since the coronavirus pandemic hit America in February 2020, almost every parish in the country has livestreamed or pre-recorded Masses. Several months into our “new normal,” the question is coming up more and more: how long should we keep these Mas...
  6. How to Use Personalization Parameters

    Personalization parameters are a fun, easy way you can help your parishes personalization content copy without giving them extra work. Personalization parameters are phrases that are commonly used in parish social media. Currently, the follo...
  7. How to Use Content Tags

    You can easily categorize all of the social media content and resources you create by adding content tags. To create a content tag, you can click on your profile > Manage Content Tags. From there, simply type your tag name and click "Add...
  8. Bug Detection with Jam

    From time to time, you may find what you believe to be a bug in Catholic Social Media. One of the easiest ways for our team to assess your potential bug is for you to record the issue using a free, safe tool that we use ourselves called Jam. This to...
  9. How to Use Distribution Groups

    You can distribute content and resources to smaller, more specific groups of parishes by utilizing distribution groups. You can manage your distribution groups by clicking on your profile image > Manage Distribution Groups. To create a d...
  10. Parish User Roles

    There are three types of parish users in Catholic Social Media, each with different permissions within the parish subscription. Below is a full list of each type of user and the permissions that user has. Parish Owner(s) Full rights to create...